My babies are four- scratch that FIVE- months old! (I started writing this post when they turned four months, oops).
So many of you have asked for a list of our twin newborn essentials, so here it is! Keep in mind, we live in a small house and did not want ALL THE THINGS (or two of everything). So it’s a pretty minimal list and a lot of it is great for just one baby! Let me know if you have any questions! If you’re new here or missed it, you can read Jack and Liv’s birth story here.
The get around stuff:
Maxi Cosi Carseats w/ base: My good friend that had twins before me recommended these- they are super light weight which is what you really need when you’re lugging two babies around! You can also on get them (and accessories) on amazon.
Baby Jogger City Select Luxe: This was the most recommended stroller and so far we’ve loved it. We got these Carseat adapters for the Maxi Cosi so they’d clip into the stroller. We got the Second seat attchement and the Kickboard attachment as well. Graham is pushing the weight limit already for the kickboard but he rides on it all the time and it was worth buying even if he gets to ride it for a few months!
Lalabu Babywearing Shirt for Dad: This is so worth the investment (even with just one baby) because it makes baby wearing so easy for men! Brett lived in his the first couple of months and always had a baby tucked in there! I loved my Lalabu Sooth Shirt as well, but also use my Sollybaby Wrap that I used with my previous babies (especially now that they’ve outgrown the Lalabu).
Gemini Performance Baby Carrier We just bought two of these so Brett and I could each carry a baby and have been using them a lot this summer when we are out and about! I didn’t buy a double twin carrier- I usually only carry one baby at a time if I’m by myself and out.
Disclaimer: Man, breastfeeding was so dang hard for us. The babies didn’t latch and couldn’t extract any milk for weeks. We saw a lactation specialist for 6 weeks and did triple feeds for almost 3 weeks (nurse, bottle feed, pump- SO MANY HOURS OF THIS. This was my life!) It was by far the hardest part that first month and a half with twins. Just fyi ๐
For the first couple of weeks I rented a medical grade pump from the hospital ($35/week). Then I got this Spectra Medical Grade Pump because it was covered by my insurance (check with yours before buying one- chances are they cover something!) I definitely recommend a medical grade pump!
This Hands free pumping bra was absolutely necessary.
Breastmilk storage bags and freezer storage container for all that milk ๐
I don’t pump as often anymore but this wearable Willow Pump is all the rage right now. But pricey!
Lived in these nursing tanks at home.
Favorite nursing pads – oh so needed.
My breastfriend twin nursing pillow: I don’t know how you tandem nurse without this thing! I’m stilling using it!
Everyone recommended the Twin Z Pillow but because I have the my breastfriend and am pretty much exclusively breastfeeding, I wanted to wait before buying it. Still haven’t needed it. But if you end up doing a lot of bottles this would be helpful!
(Is this not funniest picture? Oh man these boys were so curious about bf in the beginning. Now it’s no big deal!)
Rock n Play Sleepers (yes get two!): Easily the most used baby item we have! We have two and the babies lounged during the day in these and slept in them at night too. Because Jack had reflux he slept better at an incline so both slept in their rock n plays at night 90 percent of the time. These fold up and move around super easily, and plug in so they can rock all day (or night).
Babies slept in Halo Sleepsack Swaddles from day one! Keeps them tight and swaddled and arms from flailing. And makes middle of the night diaper changes quick and easy!
Halosleep Twin Bassinest c/o Halosleep: LOVED this bassinet but the babies rarely slept in it due to Jack’s reflux (they slept in rock n plays at night 90% of the time). It also would have been SO great to just reach in and grab babies and tandem nurse from bed, but like I said breastfeeding wasn’t easy. I had to get out bed, nurse, bottle, pump so it wasn’t as convenient as it could’ve been! So bummed we didn’t get to use it more. We moved the twins to separate cribs in their own room right around 3 1/2 months.
If babies weren’t lounging in their rock n plays they were most likely laying in our Dock A Tot Grande lounger. This one we had from when Graham was a baby and it was big enough for the two babies to lounge in together the first few months.
These Boody Body Baby Sleepers: My babies lived in jammies the first few months-they’re just easier. And with twins, there’s just no time for cute outfits in the beginning. These are super soft and cozy, made with organic bamboo, have a two-way zipper, mittens, they’re just the best. Expensive but worth getting a few!
Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Twins a must read for sleep training twins! I also worked with my good friend who’s a sleep coach in training and she’s amazing! Let me know if you want her info!
Blooming Bath Lotus for sink baths.
Love this Gentle All Over Bodywash + Baby Soothing Oil (add a few drops of lavender oil and use for a soothing massage before bed!) and we’ve always loved Tubby Todd Body Wash & Lotion. The All Over Ointment really helped with Liv’s cradle cap too!
A few things for mama:
Bellefit Postpartum Girdle: This is the only pregnancy I’ve worn a corset/wrap during post partum. It absolutely helped pull my abs back together (although I still have mild separation), helped my uterus shrink and tummy flatten, but it gave me so much support. Support I didn’t even know I needed until I put it on. My chore and back were so weak for the first couple of months. I remember bending over and standing up was hard– my chore felt so shot! I’d definitely recommend using some kind of corset, wrap, girdle after twins!
Best high waisted leggings: I lived in these. High and hold the tummy in, but soft, stretchy and so comfy.
Favorite insulated cup— drink all the water!!
And basically everything Abbey from Twist Me Pretty recommends for post partum recovery!
- Expect breastfeeding to be a challenge + plan on working with a lactation specialist. Most twins struggle with breastfeeding (especially when born early) so even if it’s your FOURTH and FIFTH baby (hiiiii, me!) it may be harder. And then if it’s easy LUCKY YOU! And if it doesn’t work at all and you end up doing formula, or pumped bottles or a combo of all of it– GOOD FOR YOU! Do what works for you and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise or feel bad about it!
- Let someone else (spouse, family, friends, nanny) do at least one of the night feedings the first couple of months. And you just sleep right through it (or just pump if needed)! We had our parents here for 5 weeks and they took the three am feeding every single night while they were here. It saved me!
- One up, both up! As hard as it is to wake a sleeping baby, for your own sanity and establishing a synced schedule, when one baby wakes up, wake up the other. Feed both.
- Get out of the house. By yourself. At least once a day. Going for a walk, drive, listen to a podcast or audiobook, go to the grocery store and occasionally lunch with girlfriends.
- SAY YES to help! Just do it. Always, anytime anyone offers. And then when your season to pay forward comes, do it!
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