Whether you’re looking for a quick and easy snack, quick appetizer, or need some finger food for an upcoming party, these Roast Beef & Cream Cheese Wontons are your ticket! I’m a snacky kind of girl, so these are right up my alley. And for some reason, whenever I eat bite-sized food I justify eating way more than I should. It’s more like I just keep popping them in my mouth and before I realize it, I’ve practically eaten a full meal plus some.
These make for a kid-friendly snack or lunch as well. My picky two year old loved them and almost out-ate me! They’re also baked instead of deep fried, so slightly on the healthier side:) One more reason to eat just a few more…right?
You can easily change out the roast beef for whatever kind of meat your prefer.
I love wontons with shrimp and cream cheese. I’ll have to try the roast beef. You’re healthy though. I deep fry mine. 🙂
Yum, I like anything wrapper in wonton wrappers.