When it comes to unpacking and doing the laundry, I’m a little anal about getting it done immediately– I think it drives my husband nuts. All he wants to do is sit down and relax and I’m huffing and puffing around trying to get everything unpacked and the laundry started. I can’t relax ’til it’s done…which is really kind of annoying, I know.
We were only gone a week and somehow I’ve still got several loads to do, but what I really need to do is get to the store and buy some food to fill our empty fridge. But you see, when it comes to going grocery shopping with two kiddos, I am TOTALLY fine putting that one off.
Maybe tomorrow.
I actually made this Chicken, Grape & Blue Cheese Salad for a baby shower a couple of weeks ago and it was devoured by the ladies! I made it again for my blue cheese-loving husband and he totally loved it too. It’s light but filling at the same time–tossed together with a very simple dressing made of lemon juice, white wine vinegar & olive oil dressing.
It’s so easy to throw together and can be a light meal or side salad. If I ever make it to the store I’m grabbing everything to make this again.

adapted from Real Simple
I am totally going to make this. Love everything in it!!
Sheri said I had to get this recipe from you!
Sheri said I needed this recipe!!
Making this TODAY! Thanks girl!! LOOKS AMAZING!
oooh! make it Saturday night!! 😉
Anyway to find out calorie content on your recipes? Currently doing WW and need to find out points. Love all your recipes.