This Cinnamon Roll Protein Shake has been my go-to shake after my workouts {or just an afternoon/evening treat}! Especially when you sprinkle a little granola on top of it– it totally changes the experience! You gotta try it with any of your shakes/smoothies.
If you have vanilla protein powder I’m pretty sure you’ll have everything else needed to make this– cinnamon, vanilla (i like to use vanilla bean paste), frozen banana, almond milk, and ice. The secret ingredient that gives it a hint of buttery cinnamon roll flavor is butter extract! If you don’t have it on hand, don’t sweat it, but you might just want to add it to the grocery list ????????
So let’s talk about fitness for a bit, mmmk? I don’t talk about it often here, but I’m thinking I’ll start incorporating it more. I’m scared. But wanna do it. What do you think??
I’m in my last week of the BBG workouts and man am I glad it’s almost over. I’ve loved the program, it’s actually my second time through it, but I’m ready for something new. Anyways, with summer literally right around the corner I’m sure we’re all looking for some inspiration, so I thought I’d share a few of my favorites in the healthy eating/living and fitness world to follow!
If you’re not already following them, do it now!
- Jenna’s Kitchen– I love her very raw, real approach to eating clean, weight loss, and healthy living. Her approach to it is about acceptance, balance, and patience. Love that.
- Simply Sadie Jane – Just super inspiring and I kinda wanna be her bestie. And workout with her. But you know, she has no idea who I am, I just stalk her on social media. NOT WEIRD AT ALL. Her fitness journey is incredible.
- Muncher Cruncher – I love Megan’s daily workout videos she shares on Instagram. They’re quick, can be done at home, and sometimes make me wanna cry. (Ps I love those kind of workouts)
- Ambitious Kitchen – Girl makes the yummiest healthy treats! (I’ve raved about her Paleo Chocolate Chunk Cookies before. Have you made them. Do it today.) And she just started a FREE summer sweat series, check it out!
- Clean Simple Eats– Erica shares awesome recipes and meal plans that anyone can make. Healthy, clean food that’s totally approachable. I love that. Aaand she’s super fit. #goals
Okay, now dish on your favorites to follow!!! And maybe go make this protein shake. And don’t forget the granola!

- 6 oz almond milk (or milk)
- 1/2 frozen banana
- 1 scoop vanilla protein
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp vanilla bean paste
- 1/4 tsp butter extract
- about 1 cup of ice
- 1/2 cup maple-pecan granola (or any grandy of choice)
- Place everything in a blender (in the order listed). Blend until extra creamy. Sprinkle a little granola in the bottom of two glasses. Divide smoothie among two glasses and top with another sprinkle of granola.
Thank you. Love the picture of the 3 boys. So cute and they are having so much fun.
Thanks Liz!
would love to see more of your workouts!
Thanks Amanda! I’ll be posting some soon!