The other day I sent a text to my babysitter asking if she could come babysit O that morning. A few hours later I got the response, “Sorry, I’m at school.”
Clearly I’m not in back-to-school mode like many moms. It hardly crossed my mind until I got that text from my sitter and then experienced the craziness of back to school shopping at Target that same day.
Then it really hit me. Summer is coming to an end. Our warm weather is dwindling. Day time sitters are no longer. And here come the days of trying to entertain a two year old inside.
Then we discovered pudding paint.

You get to paint with it and lick it off your fingers too. A two year old’s dream. Easiest little kitchen craft for kids and I just love how vibrant the colors turned out.

I laid out a plastic tablecloth on the kitchen floor and let Owen first help make the pudding then help make the colors. The muffin tin is the perfect palate for paint, don’t ya think?
He was a little bit hesitant at first but soon became a little pudding painting Picasso.

And it was pretty fun for me too.

Instant Pudding Finger Paint
1 small box Jello Vanilla Instant pudding
2 cups cold milk
Food coloring
muffin pan
finger painting paper
Whisk pudding mix and two cups cold milk for two minutes then let it sit in the fridge until thickened. Fill each muffin tin with a few large spoonfuls of pudding. Stir in food coloring to create desired colors. (Fill as many muffin cups as colors you want to create). Paint on finger painting paper and lick away!
I did his with Sydney and she just mixed the colors and they turned icky gray/black – haha! She refused to eat the pudding – so silly! But this is such a fun easy idea!
I think this is a great idea, except I don’t have any little ones now, but I bet my husband ( who is a big kid) would love to try this , as he also likes pudding.
It’s a great idea. A good way to keep your toddlers preoccupied. Still, I was thinking, whom did you leave the kids with? I hope there wasn’t any trouble at all.
How fun! I’m so excited to try this with my girl.
Does this dry? can you keep the pictures?