Graham is 11 months old and just cut his sixth tooth. SIXTH. For about a month he was fussy, on edge, gnawing on everything, and NOT SLEEPING. {By the way, I’ve completley given up on the idea that I will EVER sleep through the night again. Which is the number one reason I will forever drink diet coke ;)}
But really, teething is just the worst.
I came home from some church meetings one night and Brett had whipped up these Strawberry Banana pops for Graham because he was just so fussy. It seemed to do the trick so we’ve been cranking them out and always have a few in the freezer.
This Nuby Garden Fresh Fuitsicale Frozen Pop Tray makes the perfect pops for little babes. The handle is big enough for their little hands to grip and the base of the popsicle is wider so it catches the drips.
We make these with frozen strawberries, banana, and milk but if you’re baby isn’t drinking cow’s milk yet you can just use water or apple juice.

- 2 oz frozen strawberries
- 2 oz sliced bananas
- 2 oz milk (or apple juice or water if not drinking cow's milk yet)
- Place ingredients in a powerful blender (we used blendtec twister jar) and blend until smooth. Pour into popsicle molds and insert tops. Freeze for 2-3 hours. Run the base of the molds under warm water for 30 seconds to remove pops.
What a cute little model he is! That smile is contagious!
Thank you for posting this! My 8 month old has 8 teeth and 2 more on the way. These 2 seem to be more painful than when he had 4 coming in at once.
This article has truly satisfied my search for the right recipe for my six month old granddaughter.I didn’t want to interrupt the teething process with any cold sugar or ice cream products.