My favorite green smoothie as of late– this copycat Whole Foods’ Paleo Green Smoothie! This Copycat Whole Foods Paleo Green Smoothie is my latest obsession. If you follow me on instagram you’ve seen me frequenting my local Whole Foods just to grab their Paleo Green Smoothie! I’ve been obsessed with green smoothies this pregnancy and…
green smoothie
Strawberry Banana Green Sunrise Smoothie
Life lately has consisted of lots of early mornings thanks to my 20 month old who won’t sleep in past six am! To think I used to wake up at five every morning to exercise boggles me. The thought actually makes me a little nauseous. And I looked forward to it? What happened to that…
Minty Green Apple Green Smoothie
I told you we’ve been drinking tons of green smoothies lately. My little boys are even drinking them, even asking for them in the morning or at night for a treat. This isn’t normal for my picky eaters, most days it’s a battle to get them to eat their fruit and veggies. So any time…
Blueberry Avocado Green Smoothie
Next time you make a green smoothie, pretty pretty pretty please throw an avocado in it. You’ll get the creamiest green smoothie ever. And you’ll love it. It might sound a little weird but it’s surprisingly really good–you can’t even taste the avocado. It’s simply there to add a thick and creamy texture. And…