After our stay at the Four Seasons Resort in Scottsdale, we stayed one more night with some of our good friends that live in Gilbert, Arizona. They are the kind of friends that feel like family, the kind that lets your family crash at their place with just a couple of days notice and then feeds you like kings while you’re there. Thanks Bloms. We owe you!
Before we left town Monday afternoon, we swam at their house and grilled the yummiest burgers. {And by we I mean them, they did all the work} And yes, we grilled outside in the middle of a 117 degree day. Thank goodness for their pool! These burgers are actually from the New Abs Diet Cookbook–called the Abs Diet Hall of Fame Official Abs Diet Burger. Can we just call them the best ever Turkey Burgers???
We took a screenshot of the recipe so we could make them as soon as we got home and we definitely did. The boys even liked them. Owen and Graham didn’t mind the specs of spinach either…Miles of course did so we had to pick it out. But he liked the “chicken” Haha. I’ll let him think it’s chicken all the the live long day…
These burgers are the easiest. We’ve served them over a bed of spinach, on whole grain sandwich thins, or you can even lettuce wrap them. The recipe says to mix the cheese into the meat but I forgot to add it so just added it on top! Can’t go wrong with how you add the cheese right? Maybe do both!
These are perfect for your 4th of July grilling on Monday! Happy 4th of July weekend!!

- 1 lb turkey burger (original recipe calls for lean ground beef)
- 1 egg
- 1/2 cup rolled oats
- 1/2 cup diced + grilled red onions
- 1/2 cup chopped spinach
- 2 tbsp shredded Mexican cheese
- salt and pepper
- any other desired toppings-sliced tomato or avocado.
- Whisk the egg in a large bowl. Add everything else and mix together with your hands.
- Shape into 4 equal sized patties.
- Place on the grill on medium-high heat and cook for 4-6 minutes per side (to desired done-ness)
- source: New Abs Diet Cookbook
These were fine but nothing extraordinary to warrant the name best turkey burgers ever. The rolled oats made it very filling which was a nice surprise. I wonder if you could add zucchini so they’re not so dry?
I’m sure you could add zucchini! ours have never turned out dry, but could be the time cooked?!
Could be, my hubby cooked them. I will give the zucchini a try. Thank you 🙂